Saturday, October 27, 2012

31 days of Christmas Planning - friends

I love getting gifts for friends. I don't do it often, because I am working hard to live within a responsible budget, but when I get to do it, it gives me great joy. Christmas is such a fun season, and sometimes I see pretty or fun things that I know would be AHMAZING for FriendSuchAndSo. If I bought or made everything that would be perfect for everyone - the bottom line might begin to look neon red.

So as I'm thinking about this ahead of time this year, it occurs to me that I have a couple options.

I can begin to buy gifts throughout the year and save them for Christmas (or birthday) season. 


I can buy gifts throughout the year and give them as I buy them. At Christmas, a pretty card - if anything - is plenty. 

I like the second option better. At Christmas time, we are often inundated with gifts. (I like that, don't get me wrong.) But one more gift, while nice and thoughtful, is one more gift. A gift given at an unexpected time has the opportunity to minister deeply to a friend. (This past year I gave a single mom a tin of her favorite tea on Valentine's Day. She couldn't remember the last time someone had given her a thoughtful Valentine's gift. That was such a humbling, cool experience.)

We all have seasons when we are dry and lonely and just trudging through. Watch your friends for those times, and get a gift that uniquely says 'I love you Friend'. You could even wrap it in Christmas paper if if makes you feel better.

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