Friday, August 31, 2012

Another way to create 'Me' space

Before the Renovation of Fall 2010, I had other challenges in making a space that was a 'retreat' for me. Younger kids and a diagnosis of clinical depression were some of the markers that marked those days. During that time, I made what is still one of my favorite crafts to this day. If you look at my pictures from my blog the other day, you will still see it has a place of pride.

I took a bedstand table that was just too small for me to pile my lamp, books, journals, and coffee (!!) on AND a piece of wood that I had from another project.

Then I pulled out a folder of magazine cutouts and cards. (This is a sometimes folder. Sometimes I love cutting pictures and words up and storing them for 'I like that, I might use that' projects.)

Then I screwed the wood to the top of the bedside table. (This was a nice bedside table. My mother might have said 'Why would you ruin that nice bedside table?' But it wasn't working for me. Or anyone else in my house. So I made it work. I think this is an important lessson that I frequently need to remember.) I probably used drywall nails - we have an abundance of those. And I bet I only eye-balled the edges to see if they were even.

Then I used Modpodge to create a collage of beauty and inspiring words. I kept words that I most wanted to see where they would be least likely to be covered up (HOPE is right on the front edge). After I had everything in it's place, I went over the whole thing with another layer.

I did not seal this any further. If I had wanted a moisture seal, I would have used shellac. But I was too excited to use it. And I like the way that it has aged a little bit and picked up a bit of my morning coffee. And I have full permission to add layers and other phrases if there comes another day when I need to refresh it.

This is one of the few projects (probably the only one besides my kids) that continues to catch my eye and take my breath away after four or five years of making it.

So if you don't have a space that can be set apart separately, this is a great alternative. It could be a side-table, a lamp (OH can you imagine buying a cheap lamp and decorating the 'trunk' to suit your season? - or a lamp shade!), or a frame collage on the wall.

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