Thursday, November 03, 2011

Well, Why Not....

As I've been getting the kids going on their NaNoWriMo, it is very weird to to not have a writing project myself. But it really would be impossible for me to participate in NaNoWriMo while helping the kids with their own writing. (Not to mention our current life schedule.)

Last night I was visiting @lannalee 's blog ( - I met her and @rurugby at the #smbme birthday party last month - and saw that she is participating in NaBloPoMo.

As I was blogging about the kids writing, I had thought, maybe I should just commit to blogging each day  - or nearly. So stumbling - it felt stumbling- across Lanna Lee's "in solidarity with her NaNoWriMo friends" line cemented it for me.

Then, I wondered if I should join the NaBloPoMo or just blog. Because, you know. I can't just do something without over thinking it.

And I remembered that last November was a big writing month for me, too. Anna and Marc were in NZ for most of the month and my part of their journey was to blog each day. So maybe November is a good writing month for me.

So, why not.

NaBloPoMo 2011

(Thanks, LannaLee!)


~lannalee~ said...

:) Excellent! My plan comes together. Mwha hahahah!

Spring said...

The discipline of writing for 31 days in a row in October was hard and fun... I've been debating what to do with November, because while it is SORT of nice to not have to write everyday, I don't want to lose the discipline... so maybe I'll join you, who knows! :)