Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Why we Homeschool....

To be honest, I have always felt a bit irritated with people, mainly Christians, who homeschool their children to 'protect' them. I just can't find the logic in 'sheltering' or 'hiding' our kids from the influence of 'the world' - usually meaning the curriculum and teachers of public schools.

My first and foremost reason for homeschooling is that I believe God has called me to it, and secondly I believe that my kids deserve a chance at a first rate education (which I don't think happens in a 'traditional' classroom setting). I also believe, that with care and guidance, my kids will grow to be better ambassadors of the King, if they have experience loving those not yet part of the Kingdom.

However, this past week after three random school shootings happening around the country, I have decided to throw in my lot with those who homeschool to protect their kids. How absolutely disturbing and sad.

To the families and friends of the victims, may God be near you, and may the lives and deaths of your young not be in vain.

I just read in The Message John 12 this week. Jesus says (this if from my memory) "Right now, I am storm tossed (this is just before His betrayal), but what will I say 'Father get me out of this?' No. This is why I came. So I will say, Father, Let your Glory Shine through this."

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