Monday, June 25, 2012

If you start to make a book list....

Do you remember those books "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" or "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" or "If you Give a Mouse a Muffin"? I think there are more, but those are the ones my kids had. I had one of those days last Friday. 

It started with my makings lists of all the books we had read for homeschool this past year. 

I had to put some books away, so I had to move some other books to make room.

Those books had to go on a shelf that (BADLY) needed to be dusted.

When I dusted,  I realized we had a lot of books that we really didn't need to keep any longer.

So I made a donation pile.

And then I decided to look through ALL the books in our living room.

And I found some of the books that I used to read to the kids when they were way little.

And then I sat there and was full of memories and warm feelings.

All because I began to make a list.

(It was a good day.)

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