Thursday, October 28, 2010



I hit that point yesterday where I am so done with renovations and dust and dirt and people in my house. I have one corner left to do my daily living in, and yesterday it was made a dirty mess.

I was telling someone yesterday morning, before hitting the Point of Done, that "I even get sick of Marc when he's around too much. Of course it makes sense that I'm sick of the contractor being around the house. This is a normal social consequence."

In the scheme of things, I do have way more to be thankful for than inconvenienced by. I know this.

And I know that I AM STRONG enough and RESILIENT enough to weather this with grace and joy.

So my activity today to recenter and refocus my heart about this will be to tweet my gratitude each hour at least until the kids get home from school. If you are on twitter watch for my #growingrenovationgratitude throughout today.

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