Monday, August 14, 2006

First Day of School

Today was our first day of school. Caleb started 2nd grade and Anna started pre-school. Sofia, well, she watched, fussed, made messes, and tried to figure out how life had changed all of a sudden.

This picture is actually taken at the end of our first day, after dinner. I think their smiles pretty accurately summarize the way we all felt after day 1.

Caleb even said he enjoyed math.

New strategies this year... regular snack and play times in the midst of our work. And Caleb has a desk in his room, so he could go into his room and shut his door to do some of his work. He seemed to like all of the changes.

I feel pretty great about the whole day, too, though I am puzzling about the Sofia piece. She took two naps today rather than one, so I am hoping that she is just out of sorts in general, and that it wasn't specifically school that threw her into a loop. We shall see. But the good thing is that we all (the ones directly involved with school) are going to bed looking forward to our school-day tomorrow.

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