Today, the normal part of our day included Anna doing a full days worth of homeschool; Caleb doing a full amount of homeschool work, going to school for an hour and half jazz band clinic, coming home for a short time, and going back to school for a two hour techonology team training; and Sofia having a half day of public school.
After school, Marc took Sofia to Tim Horton's and the library. I picked up Caleb from his tech meeting
We had decided to have apple pie for supper (dessert) and the two older kids wanted to learn to peel apples. What mom says no to that (after checking for insurance cards and bandaids)? Apple peeling lesson and crust making began. Pie got put into the oven.
When the science was finished and cleaned up, we had one more thing to do. Make ice-cream. Really. Who has apple pie without ice-cream. We had received one of those ice-cream balls for Christmas and Anna has just been dying to try it. So while I finished up dinner and homeschool work from today, the girls made icecream. (It was really good.)
In the interest of full-disclosure, about 2/3 of the way through dinner, I realized how tired I was and told everyone, nicely, that I was ready for the day to be over. : ) And in the course of getting Sofia a plate who was very disturbed by her ice-cream and pie actually touching, a plate flew out of my hands and shattered all over the floor.
But the kitchen has been cleaned up (thank you Marc and kids), lessons are planned and prepared for tomorrow, and to top it all off I conquered Bouldergeist (SuperMarioGalaxy) and have written (although not beautifully) a blog post.
I think I might have hit all my 2011 goals in the course of today.
See you next year. *grin*