Saturday, February 09, 2008


Just looked at the headlines and saw that Huckabee had won in Nebraska. My stomach turned, and I told Marc about the win.

After considering for a minute I said, "Worst case scenario would be Clinton and Huckabee."

And at the same time, I SWEAR, we both said, "we'd have to move to Canada".

At the same time! Is that a true picture of marriage or what!?

Friday, February 01, 2008

Are you wearing RED?

February is Go Red for Women Month. Today is the Day to wear Red. More women die of heart related diseases every year than men.

Last year I wrote a brief article about women's heart health for Inland Hospital. I had no idea that within twelve weeks I would have my own health evaluation of heart risk. I was dumbfounded to find out that I had high cholesterol last month. It's not a huge risk, but it's high.

Please go to to support the American Heart Association month of heart health awareness. There is oodles of information and there are oodles of tools. I've signed up for lots of information, for the Choose to Move Challenge, and have the Choose to Move widget on my desktop.

I'll be updating my heart health progress here during this month.

Now, go get some red on!